Arcane Research
The Scrolls of Inter-Communication
(TafeQLD - Diploma of IT: Networking)
----------------- July 2021 - June 2022 -----------------
Upon a dread campus, beneath a dragon's nest, and far to the north of the lands of men (in coomera), I arrived.
This place was home to many of the region's Arcane Masters (teachers), and here I embarked on a quest to study the arts of Arcane Inter-Communication (Networking).
I explored the deepest secrets of summoning rituals for Greater Fae (Virtual Machines) and their Daemons (Daemons, called Services in windows), and pondered the machinations of Sending Stones (Routers) and the meandering paths of ley-lines (Cables, Switches, etc.).
In the end, I came to a great revelation (learned a lot) and suddenly the eldritch pathways through the universe became clear (I now understand the internet better).
The Grimoire of Advanced Spellweaving
(TafeQLD - Diploma of IT: Advanced Programming)
----------------- July 2022 - June 2023 -----------------
Upon my revelation (Completion of my last diploma), my apprentice (Classmate) and I continued our research by embarking on a quest to find the Grimoire of Advanced Spellweaving. Fortunately, it was just in anouther section of the campus (classroom next door).
With that, we besseched the masters for their knowledge (enrolled in the diploma together), and found the secrets of the great art.
There were many foes in the path of learning (Many assessments), and at one point we became stuck in a time loop (Some carry-over subjects didn't get RPL credit).
Like a storm or a summer's day, this too shall pass, but as of this moment, my apprentice (friend) and I are still working through the final chapter of that Grimoire.
Great Feats
Artifacts Crafted
Hand-Crafted Positronic Brains
Learned how to program routers and switches with VLANs and port forwarding, etc.
The Infinite Abyss
Learned to configure devices, servers, etc. only through a command-line interface.
The Mycelial Palace
Made a dev-network with a Windows Server Domain Controller and an Ubuntu Server / Apache Webserver.
Foes Vanquished
The Mighty Basilisk, in Mithril Armor. (Learned Python, Django framework)
Had to hook up Django and MongoDB (Not Compatible) for an assessment
Currently using Django to build a REST API for Tafe Ashmore's veterinary Training Program
The Azure Knight, Dread Hammer. (Learned C# and .NET)
Used Winforms to create GUI Applications Added security to an existing C# application
The Alchemist, Hot Coffee. (Learned Java)
Made GUI applications in Java
Created custom installers for said applications
The mists of knowledge have parted for long enough that I have become more powerful than I could ever before have imagined (I am ready to enter the job market).
I am a Journeyman Spellcrafter (suited to Junior Developer / Mid-Level Roles), and am best suited to Arcane Theory (Backend Development), though can also match for more illusiory spells (Frontend).
I am an avid researcher (always learning), and an obsessive craftsman (perfectionist). When I must leave a spell in an imperfect state (Ship on time), I can, but it will leave me less-than-satisfied.